Monday, September 29, 2014

The Maze

Have you every felt that you were in a valley facing a wall, and the only way to turn, is back from where you came?

As an artist, the photographer has to find their photographic vision. I'll be honest; I don't feel most photographers ever truly find their unique photographic vision. Some may refer to vision as style, but I feel vision is a better word for what I'm trying to explain.

For a photographer to find their unique vision, it takes guts and a lot of hard work. You'll have to be willing to not please anyone but yourself. Grant it, the technical aspects should be in full control before any photographer can realize their vision.

Personal vision is unique to every individual. Two photographers could make images of the same subject, and they will look different. The images should reflect who you are and your perspective of the world around you.

Your vision is not something outside of you. Jay Maisel said, "if you can imagine what it is you're going out to shoot, you're making someone else's picture."

Equipment, genre, occupation, and other people can divert your vision. Look within, learn about your heart and develop its ability to see your personal truth and you'll avoid "The Maze."

David is a NC based photographer. Please subscribe.


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