Monday, October 27, 2014

Join The Club

Humans learn by observing their environment. What that means is we learn from watching and listening to others such as parents, family and friends. Since we were little, we have learned by emulation, although I think some folks just go where the wind blows:) 

Photographers learn by watching and listening as well. I've written about finding your personal vision and not trying to copy anyone else. But if you need other skills along the path to your vision, it's much easier to watch, listen and learn from someone more knowledgeable.

There's no way to know everything technically. Photoshop, for example, is a lot to learn if you're objective is not just photography. What works best for me is to visualize in my mind's eye what I want and then learn just what I need to meet my objective to print.

Clubs and organizations have seen a decline in younger aged members I think due to the internet. You can get almost any answer to any technical question you may have on the internet. As a modern day photographer the internet is an extremely valuable tool for learning.

So what's good about belonging to an organization? Along with being another family to observe, the biggest thing is learning about business. If you are serious about being a professional there isn't anything I can think of more valuable than organizations teaching and offering resources regarding the business aspects of photography.

I can find most anything on the Internet when it comes to technical. But what I have difficulties doing is being able to establish networking to a niche market and selling my art. If you're in the same boat, "Join The Club."

David is an NC based photographer. Please subscribe.


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