Sunday, December 7, 2014


Fortresses used moats as a preliminary line of defence during an attack. I think of moats in terms of offensive. Today's economic definition of Moat is  "The competitive advantage that one company has over other companies in the same industry.  "Warren Buffett"

Professional photography is very competitive. I've stated before that competition is something I don't understand within the context of stifling shared opportunities with the assumed competitor. Here I'm writing about the photographer's edge.

Moving to the next level ask why would someone use my services over another? Here is where the edge comes in by creating a personal template for your work, and this comes from your personal vision.

Constant growth is a given in the business of photography. Improving skills, vision and business is a way of life. Having the courage to manifest your personal vision is the only way to be different than others, and they won't be able to touch you competitively simply because you are you.

The advice given to me was "don't' shoot someone else's picture, discover your vision and have the courage to share it. Then wide and deep will be your " Moat". 

David is a NC based photographer. Please subscribe.


Warren Buffett 

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